Fine Art Portraiture vs. Photography
What's the difference?
P H O T O G R A P H:

A photograph of my children, Winter 2016
fəˈtäɡrəfē/ {noun}
1. the art or practice of taking and processing photographs.
F I N E A R T P I E C E:

Fine Art Portraiture by Marla Michele Must
Our studio creates fine art portraits for your family to cherish. A fine art canvas portrait is a combination of the realism of a photograph and the beauty of a painting. Our artist meticulously hand paints highlights and dimensions and accentuates key elements of your portrait. Our portraits have full artistry, are classic and timeless, and intended to be passed down from generation to generation.

Masterpiece Collection Canvas
Our artist will first render the image as a fine oil painting and then brush strokes will be hand painted onto the printed canvas and a texture glaze will be applied to follow the lines of your portrait. The rendering of the portrait and richness of the texture is highly appealing. Our Masterpiece Collection is exclusively limited to portraits of 30" or larger in size.